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How To Get A Dba In Houston

How To Get A Dba In Houston
6/27/2009 12:00 AM

Here is how to get a DBA in Houston.

Second, the definitions:


1. A federal tax ID number is a registration with the IRS for individual fictional business entities. It allows for the filing of tax returns, the forming of partnerships, and the hiring of employees. It will also serve to establish the actual existence of this dba and fictional business entity with the IRS, and allow for filing of paperwork with the IRS on the business behalf.


2. Your dba will establish the local and state identity of your new business,and the local and statre existence of your new business. It will also allow you to open a bank account in the business name, as well as establish a clear relationship of ownership for the business.


3. The local business tax registration will serve to establish your tax burden with the local government. Doing so will ensure that you are in current in your taxes and that you do not owe any past due taxes or penalties.

First the law:


1. A federal tax ID to identify your individual Houston DBA is needed for tax purposes.


2. A dba filing is needed to establish the individual Houston identity of your business.


3. A business tax registration is necessary for the legal operation of the new dba.

07 - Here are the licenses and tax ids you are legally required to obtain before starting business operations:

1. A business tax registration license

2. A Houston DBA assumed business name

3. A federal tax id number if you are a partnership or you want to use it instead of you social security number to open a bank account. Also, note that forming an llc or incorporating eliminates the requirement of getting a dba. It is a good idea to form an llc to avoid personal liability from business transactions.

Fourth, how to get these permits:

We provide full service in obtaining these permits at our website


Simply answer all the questions of our questionaire, and provide any all all business and personal information requested by the forms the site presents, as this information, which will be kept in the most absolute security, will ensure our ability to process your order without any delays once we have recieved it. Then fill out our secure payment form and we will begin working on your order immediately.

Fifth, where to get these permits:

P.O. Box 14927

Long Beach, CA. 90803


Third, the reasons you must obtain these permits:


1. A federal tax id is neccessary and beneficial. It not only allows you to take on partners, as it allows you to use it in place of your social security number for business filings, it also ensures that you are kept aware by the IRS of your tax responsibilities and burden and that you do not suffer the many punishements the IRS can levy, from fines to seizure of assets to criminal sharges to jail time.


2. The dba is essential because without it, not only are you at risk of embezzlement everytime you use company money outside the company because of a lack of a clearly defined ownership relationship, but because without it, there is no clear seperation between the new business identified by the dba and any other business you own in part or in full, which can lead to complicated and painful legal entanglements.


3. Your Local Business Tax registration is important for one very important. Eventually, the local government will notice your business, and when they do, they will assess you for the value of the taxes you would have been paying had you licensed. What's more, if tax rates have changed since that date, they will more than likely use whichever number is highest. Even further, they will tack on penalties, which are usually a percentage, not a flat rate, and can even be cumulative based on a yearly amount rather than a flat percentage assessement. Then they will probably levy fines, not just for taxes unpaid, but for ordinances violated, and not just tax ordinances, but the utility ordinances you will have violated as an unlincensed business, the public safety tax ordinances you have violated as a non paying business, the school district tax ordinances you have violated as non paying business, and the planning and zoning ordinances you never cleared. This will amount to a not inconsiderable amount of money in one fiscal year, an amount entirely capable of breaking a business back. Not to mention that as an unlicensed business, it is highly likely you have not been keeping up with health and safety inspection, as no one has known to send them to you, and as a result, to accompany the fines, they may simply shut you down permanently for being in violation of health and safety standards even if you aren't. As you can see, the risks are great.


Sixth, the cost of these permits:

Altogether, the services involved in acquiring these permits will cost roughly: $280.00


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